I am trying to discipline my ability to read and write to extend past the medium of photography and bridge gaps that I want to fill with expression. Just as anything in life that has value, it takes time, patience, and discipline. For this reason I often left my camera at home. I felt selfish, taking away time to connect with people in my presence to later share images with those who weren’t even there. I felt as if I was taking away a lot of moments from the people I was with. I also stopped photographing things outside of work. All that to be said I stopped writing for a long time because of those insecurities.
And I don’t have to be so overt with what is being said, and allow room for an individual to fill in their own pieces. I am able to share an experience without an exchange of words. I get to still express something without being fully tethered to my proficiency in language. I believe that is one of the reasons I thoroughly enjoy photography. Even fumbling around vocabulary to match my tone and expression. I often find I have a hard time organizing my thoughts into a clear and concise message.